• Fair enough. It's a system that I don't understand. If it's not going to be useful for getting around LFR, then I suppose it won't make any real different for me. :X

    Additionally, what's the wow gold point of yolorbgs? I've seen them advertised. but idk what you get out of doing that.

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  • IKR, most of the fun is with leveling, endgame is just dull as its well...the end. Needless to say my sub expires in a week and I dont think ill be resubbing till this "paid 90" pay to win bull is scrapped. I will say it right now, subs will drop for america servers by wow gold fr 75% will also nix any returning players in wanting to play. Time to find a MMO that actually wants to keep its integrity intact and work towards making the entire game fun and not just the endgame.

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  • 20 minute queues at peak hours makes BGs FAR less worth it than just doing dungeons and trading for honor. Seriously, I can gun out a dungeon in 5 minutes with a REALLY good group.
    or world of Warcraft
    The queues are a problem for some servers, and it's inexcusable when, before, we could get into a battleground in 2-5 minutes.

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  • I always liked scorch once you could cast it on the move.

    It did less damage than when standing still and using fireball so you had a REASON to get where you were going and get into place as fast as possible, but at the same time you could keep your rotations going.
    You didn't have to press a button po world of Warcraft (Button/ability bloat) in order to use it. Things like ice floes are just one more key-bind I have to make that gets in the way. It also allows you to use your full damage cast time spells on the move which I don't like. The cast bar makes you feel like your character has to concentrate on what they are doing. Sure, a powerfull/skilled person can do things on the run, but they may lose accuracy etc. Thus having a less powerful spell like scorch instead of fireball makes sense in my head.

    It gives me something to do, it doesn't take up an extra bar slot/keybind, and it isn't full powered so it doesn't imbalance pvp or whatnot.

    Just my two cents.

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  • I'm sort of disappointed about this change. I love the fact that skirmishes are coming back to the game.

    On the other hand, as someone who world of Warcraft po plays multiple alts it was always a hassle doing the grind every season. That was the biggest benefit to the Tourney Realm style that was going live with Trial of the Gladiator, gear never being a factor. Sort of frustrating.

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