• The latter part, too? This seems a bit unfair to people on other realms if connected realms (who, for my understanding, get exactly the same euwowgold amount of server resources as single, non-connected realms) essentially get doubled, tripled, ... (however many realms are connected) maximum logged in players before a queue will happen.

    It had been my understanding that the entirety of a single connected realm would have the same population caps as a single unconnected realm.

    (I'm also a little annoyed, though much less so, that the toon population cap is multiplied by the number of realms connected as well. I'm hoping that it will just be changed in Warlords so that the account-wide cap no longer is also hobbled by a realm cap.)

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  • This post originally appeared on Massively from Editor-in-Chief Brianna Royce. At the end of every week, we round up the best and most popular euwowgold.fr news stories, exclusive features, and insightful columns published on Massively and then present them all in one convenient place. If you missed a big MMO story last week, you've come to the right post.

    This week, a player in EVE Online, most likely someone involved in an RMT deal, managed to kick off the new year right: by getting his unprotected ship and its cargo, $1500 worth of PLEX that didn't need to be transported that way to begin with, blown to smithereens. Is there an MMO Darwin award yet?

    Read on for a look at the rest of this week's top MMO stories, though I promise that none will make you facepalm as hard as this one.

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  • It's all about the mind set. I believe in the war between the Alliance and the Horde to the point that my goal is to get them to either stop playing www.euwowgold.fr the game or switch factions. When that becomes the standard by which you live by, you will then see why many of us enjoy what we enjoy.
    Other players like structured, scripted combat. That's fine.

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  • I was pretty dead-set against no-flying in WoD.

    But Bashiok lays out a compelling case and I agree with what he's saying. Flying is neat and fun and a nice way to cut out the garbage when you want to just herb or mine or do archaeology...but it also makes the game you play at max level not the same wow po game you play before max level.

    So, assuming they find a way to make it possible to gather materials and do archaeology without flying, I see no harm (and many benefits) from removing it from the WoD portions for some time, or even all time.

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  • I'm very much looking forward to the changes in WoD actually.

    Currently in 2s nobody (besides priests) ever goes oom until dampening reaches a very high percentage. In threes, it's a CC then huge HP burst down, peel and healer has a huge HP burst up, burst down cycle.

    People will still have plenty of tools for PvE. wow gold fr Yeah, perhaps you'll have to consider what button you're pushing instead of just hitting whatever you feel like all willy nilly as there's currently very few ramifications for poor gameplay. I've healed every single expansion this game has and never has healing felt so unrewarding.

    So yeah, bring the changes on. I can't wait for WoD to drop; every indicator says it's a step in the right direction to me.

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